My favorite was the new Emery Ringleader of the Tormentors Outfit (which I'm wearing in the first pic), and as everything in that store it combines 80's with Rock & Roll with such an explosive and fabulous mixture Emery captivates us yet again.

'Till the next time
Lauryn <3
Picture 1:
Hair: Kin- Pur - [Brown]
Outfit: Emery-Outfit Ringleader of the Tormentors
Shoes: Maitreya Verve Pumps - Red
Picture 2:
Hair: Damsefly- Sydney Brown Mocha Splash
Dress: ..::A.Y.Y::.. Phella White
Leggings: (part of ) :Bijou: Fly [Green set]
Belt: *GC* 3 Buckled Belt from gigi Couture
Bracelets: *UnTone* BH Bracelet
Shoes: Maitreya Mishima Dawn - Patent Liquorice